MadAct Movement - Make a difference against corruption today.
This is a movement driven by youth in Nigeria to promote the idea of standing against corruption. They have a website, a corruption blog trending in the fight against corruption, a discussion forum about anti-corruption, and a platform to report corrupt incidents.
Before even starting to brainstorm I had to understand what was going on in Nigeria. I knew what corruption was but I needed to understand at what level were corruption taking place there. I did a lot of research before putting pen on paper. I noted everything. Made a list of all the corruption events that takes place normally. I was in shock as the list was too long and then I started drawing.
For the login background, they needed a design that could promote youth collaboration to support fight against corruption.
You can have a look at their website.
Design Brief:
I want a design that could promote youth collaboration to support fight against corruption showing how
1. Youth can fight corruption by sharing their story
2. Youth can fight corruption by engaging in anti-corruption discussion
3. Corruption can be fought by publishing news
4. Youth can fight corruption by reporting incidents around them

This is the Sketch that covered all possibilities of corruption taking place in the country. And showing people who stood against it and reported it. I did show them the sketch first took their approval on it and moved forward to digitize it.

The black and white version

The color selection had to be such that everything goes along well yet seen differently. Nothing should get lost because of the colors. 
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